Metalworkers raise health and safety concerns

MORE THAN one in three (36%) metalworking professionals do not feel that health and safety is a top priority within their company, and over a quarter (28%) are worried about their safety at work, according to new research from power tools and accessories manufacturer, FEIN.

“Health and safety remain critical to the metalworking sector due to the daily use of machinery and equipment that can result in injury when operated improperly and without sufficient training,” explains Andy Mills, managing director of FEIN UK. “It’s positive to see that on the whole, the industry does not worry about their safety at work; however, there is clearly still more to do in order to make everyone feel comfortable in the workplace.”

The research uncovered that:

  • Those working in larger companies of 50-99 (50%) and 250-500 (38%) employees are most likely to worry about their safety at work
  • 40% are offered health and safety training by their company and for those working in companies with 1-9 employees, it is just 13%
  • 34% believe that the tools with the safety features they want are not on the market
  • Over a third (39%) agree that the tools with the safety features they want are too expensive, with 25–34-year-olds most likely to agree (60%)

Do you need help with Health and Safety?

If you need Health and Safety advice in your workplace, contact us for advice and assistance. We are a Huddersfield based H&S company, with many local clients as well as countrywide.

We can also provide:

  • Face fit testing for your staff.
  • Fire Risk Assessments.
  • COSHH awareness training.
  • First aid training.
  • Elearning.


Our staff are from a varied background with excellent H&S experience.




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